CORP - Outdoors Experience - Hike Leader - Trip Leader - Event Mgmt. Training

  • Fri, February 23, 2024
  • 8:00 AM
  • Sun, February 25, 2024
  • 12:00 PM
  • O'Neill Regional Park 30892 Trabuco Canyon Rd, Trabuco Canyon, CA


  • This is for both sections
  • This is for morning session 8am to 12pm
  • This is for afternoon session 1pm to 5 pm
  • This is for hike/trip leaders to attend as a refresher.
  • How to create and edit events in Wild Aprocot

Registration is closed


    Hike Leader - Morning 4 hrs
    Trip Leader - Afternoon 4 hrs

    Event Management WA evening 2 hr.

    You may attend one, two or all three of the training sessions.

    Option to camp for the weekend or just come in for the day.

    The training is open to all interested members, including novice hikers, but even those of us who have been hiking for many years come away with new skills or insights.

    Some more great things about the training:

    •  Registration is free.
    •  The information about emergency response could save your life.
    •  The discussion of leadership and people skills has applications beyond the hiking trail.
    •  The certification allows you to lead other day trips you may be interested in, such as bike rides or museum visits. (Anything that broadens our awareness of our environment is a valid outing.)
    The next scheduled training is the last weekend of February at O’Neill Regional Park in Orange County near Rancho Santa Margarita. Participants can enjoy hiking, dining, and camping together around the full day of training in the park’s administrative building conference room. The hike leader training is on a Saturday morning, and is followed by training on leading overnight trips and using our online event management system.

    Friday Feb 23

    2 pm Check-in campground: Group Sites Sycamore Flats A & B. Tell the attendant you are with Great Outdoors Group Camp to get car pass

    4 pm - Fun hike nearby. We will adjust the time if needed to accommodate those arriving on Friday and camping for the training. This is a welcome and training hike for attendees.  We will discuss and demonstrate the Ten Essentials and safety on the trail.  Sunset at 5:42 pm.

    6 pm -- Meet and Greet at campground; Bring something to share. Dinner on your own.

    Saturday Feb 24 - Training class at the Administrative Building Conference Room next to campground. 

    • 8 am - 12 pm  Hike Leader Training    -Conference Room
    • 1 pm - 5 pm Trip Leader Training
    • 5:30 pm  Potluck at campground
    • 6:30 pm - 8 pm Event Manager

    Sunday Feb 25

    8:30 am -10:30 - Training hike nearby where participants will be confronted with a variety of situations that one may encounter on the trail.


    Be a Hike Leader!  Not just someone who knows the way, but someone who applies safety, best practices, fun, and local knowledge to make a successful outing. In addition to the course outline we will discuss any issues with past hikes and plan for future hikes. We will review basic hike leader procedures and techniques and latest technology and information. Completing this course will provide participants with Day Hike Leader Certification. Also a good refresher for hike leaders.

    Hike Leader Syllabus

    Prerequisites: Great Outdoors member (click here to join). The course is for anyone interested in becoming a hike leader, learning more about leading effective hikes, or becoming a more confident and capable hiker.

    This Hike Leader Certification course is for hikers who are interested in learning new skills as well as experienced hike leaders who are looking to update or refresh their outdoor leadership skills. It is suitable for all ranges of hiker abilities, from novice up to very experienced hikers.

    Objectives: Introduce participants to the skills, knowledge and qualifications of a hike leader. Present skills for leading a safe, environmentally responsible and enjoyable hike.

    Content/Topics Covered:  Hike planning, description, screening participants, trail group management, emergency management, medical issues on the trail, map reading and navigation, outdoor techniques, environmental protection, and problem solving techniques and scenarios.

    Course Format: The training includes in-person instruction with group discussion and problem solving applications and trail-based scenarios.

    Pre-Course Assignment: Review training manuals and video:

    Link to Training Resources: Click Here

    Printed manuals available at the training location at no cost to participants. Option to have manual(s) mailed to you upon registration.

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    One of the premier features of Great Outdoors is overnight trips. As a leader you will propose, research and design overnight trips. You will manage and administer the trip using leadership and group management skills. Completing this course will provide participants with Trip Leadership Certification.

    Course Outline:

    • Create a new trip or update a former trip.

    • Planning, scouting, securing reservations.

    • Finances and budget.

    • Create a trip description and promotion.

    • Secure all logistics including any permits, and support staff as necessary.

    • Communicate with participants to provide information and answer questions.

    • Conducting your trip, safety issues, group management issues - preventing and solving.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Course Length/Hours: 4 hours.

    What to bring:  Lunch, water bottle, mug for hot drinks. If you are taking the Hike Leader course bring a day pack with your ten essentials. If you are tent camping, bring food, camp gear, warm clothing.

    Weather: Average: February 65° / 46° O'Neill Regional Park: current: click here

    Facilities:  We will be in the campground conference room with tables, chairs, projector, TV monitor and restrooms. Trailheads located onsite.

    Overnight accommodations:

    Camping at O'Neill Regional park group site Sycamore A & B 

    Motels located nearby: Rancho Santa Margarita

    More information:

    Course Preparation: You are encouraged to review the Outdoor Experience Training Manuals and material at the following link ahead of time. 

    Link to Training Resources: Click Here

    Suggested Additional Reading and Video:
    1. Wilderness Navigation: Finding Your Way Using Map, Compass, Altimeter, & GPS. Bob Burns, Mike Burns
    2. The National Outdoor Leadership School's Wilderness GuideMark Harvey
    3. How to Lead a Hike by the Sierra Club 15 min. video click here

    Print and complete the following review questions and bring them with you:

    HIKE LEADER REVIEW QUESTIONS with Page Ref 2022.08.05.pdf.

    TRIP LEADER REVIEW QUESTIONS with Page Ref 2022.08.05.pdf

    © 1981 - 2022 CALIFORNIA GREAT OUTDOORS, INC., a 501(c)7 not-for-profit, all-volunteer LGBTQA+ organization dedicated to the enjoyment of the outdoors. All rights reserved.  Privacy policy

    a 501(c)(7) not-for-profit, all-volunteer LGBTQIA+ and Allies organization dedicated to the enjoyment of the outdoors. All rights reserved. Privacy policy