Each September, the members of the PS Chapter elect 3 positions to what's known as the PS Core Group.  Chapter Core Groups act as a Board of Directors for each Chapter. The Chapter President then appoints other members to positions on the Core Group.  All positions are voluntary.

Chapter President (elected position)

Richard Dachman

eMail: President-PS@GreatOutdoors.org

Vice President of Outings (VPO)
(elected position)

Scott Connelly

eMail: VPO-PS@GreatOutdoors.org


(elected position)

Menard Jaramillo

eMail: Treasurer-PS@GreatOutdoors.org

Board Representative

(appointed position)

Cliff Clue

eMail: BoardRep-PS@GreatOutdoors.org

    (appointed position)

   Michael Keller

   eMail: Secretary-PS@GreatOutdoors.org

(appointed position)

Beth Schneider

eMail: Webmaster-PS@GreatOutdoors.org

Newsletter Editor

(appointed position)

Dale Soloman 

eMail: Newsletter-PS@GreatOutdoors.org

Outreach Coordinator
(appointed position)

Open position

eMail: Outreach-PS@GreatOutdoors.org

Social Events Coordinator

(appointed position)

George Padilla

eMail: SocialEventsCoordinator-PS@GreatOutdoors.org

Game Night Coordinator

(appointed position)

Jose Ghilarducci

eMail: GameNightCoordinator-PS@GreatOutdoors.org


(appointed position)

Byron Postma

eMail:  Membership-PS@GreatOutdoors.org

Member at Large

(appointed position)

Robert Varga

eMail: MemberAtLarge-PS@GreatOutdoors.org

If you have any questions for the PS Chapter, email us at: info-ps@greatoutdoors.org

a 501(c)(7) not-for-profit, all-volunteer LGBTQIA+ and Allies organization dedicated to the enjoyment of the outdoors. All rights reserved. Privacy policy