SD - Core Group Elections

  • Wed, September 11, 2019
  • 7:30 PM
  • San Diego LGBT Community Center Auditorium

Registration is closed

Core Group Elections

It’s just about time again for our annual general membership meeting and the election and appointment of our Chapter’s Core Group. This is your chance to actively participate in the governance and activities of GOSD. The meeting will take place on/at:

Date:   Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Time: 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Location: San Diego LGBT Community Center Auditorium
3909 Centre Street
San Diego CA 92103

Please join us on September 11th if you'd like to be part of this process! You have to be present at the meeting to vote in the election. If you'd like to vote, but are not yet a member, or if your membership has expired, you can become a member or renew your membership there at the meeting, or in advance online:

If you have any interest in becoming a candidate for one of the three elected positions or in being appointed to one of the appointed positions, please send an email before September 3, 2019 to the GOSD Secretary at indicating the position you’re interested in and your qualifications for the position, so that we may list you as a candidate in the meeting documents. A description of the process and positions/responsibilities is included below.

The Current 2018-2019 Core Group Consists of:


President – Brent Sammons

Vice President of Outings – Matthew Schreiner

Treasurer – Steve Magruder


Secretary – Steve Magruder

Membership Coordinator – Steve Magruder

Webmaster – Vaughan Nelson

Board Member – Tyler Redden

Newsletter Editor – Mark McCabe

Publicity & Outreach Coordinator – Vacant

Social Events Coordinator – Vacant

GOSD Election Background and Additional Information:

Each Great Outdoors Chapter must annually elect the following Officers:


Vice President of Outings (“VPO”)


An election must occur every September for the elected officers. Officers are elected by a simple majority of members at the general membership meeting. In order to vote, members must attend the meeting.

Once elected, the Elected Officers look to immediately appoint persons to fill the Appointed Positions in the GOSD Core Group for the next year. The Core Group consists of the elected and appointed positions and the Core Group administers the business affairs of our Chapter.

The Appointed Positions are as follows:


Membership Coordinator


Board Member

Newsletter Editor

Publicity & Outreach Coordinator

Social Events Coordinator

The Core Group members assume their responsibilities each year at the close of the Great Outdoors California Annual Conference, which occurs mid-October every year. Then, for the next year, the Core Group guides and administers the activities of our Chapter.

Here are general descriptions of the elected and appointed positions:



● The President is responsible for the operation of the chapter.

○ S/he is the senior administrative officer of the chapter.

● The President shall have the authority to call official meetings and other   functions of the chapter.

● The President shall ensure that his/her chapter is in compliance with the Bylaws and corporate policies of GO and that chapter officers are performing their duties.

● The President shall serve as chair of the general membership meetings and of the Core Group (see Article IV, Section A, Paragraph 7).

● S/he is an ex-officio member of all of the committees within the chapter.

● The President should periodically report to the Chair of the Board of Directors on the status of his/her chapter.

● In case of a permanent incapacity or resignation, the Core Group shall elect from its own ranks a new President.

● The President may be removed from office at any time by a unanimous vote of the other Core Group members.

VP of Outings

● The VPO shall be responsible for organizing and maintaining the schedule  of all chapter outings and other activities.

○ For purposes of these Bylaws, "outings" generally refers to events which are more than one day in length and are usually outdoors.

○ “Activities” refers to such events as general membership meetings, day hikes, game nights and other one day functions.

● The VPO shall notify the Chair of the Outings Committee of any changes from the GO Master Calendar.

● In case of a permanent incapacity or resignation, the Core Group shall elect a new Vice President of Outings (VPO).

● The VPO may be removed from office at any time by a unanimous vote of the other Core Group members.


● The Treasurer shall be responsible for the chapter's financial affairs, such as collecting and disbursing chapter funds and sending monthly Chapter Financial Reports, together with monthly payments, and a quarterly copy of a revised membership list with last name, first name and email or phone number reflecting current membership for which GO dues are included, to the Secretary of the Board of Directors.

● Every chapter's financial account(s) shall have a minimum of two signatories.

○ Furthermore, any financial transaction involving the withdrawal of funds from these accounts shall require two authorized signatures when physical checks are issued.

○ Electronic payments (or refunds) without two physical signatures may be issued providing a Chapter Core Group has an electronic approval process in place.

○ For example, a Chapter may authorize the Treasurer to issue an electronic payment (or refund) if one or more of the other authorized signatories has approved the transaction via email, FAX, message, etc.

● The Treasurer shall maintain copies of any electronic approvals along with bank statements, check registers, etc.

● In case of a permanent incapacity or resignation, the Core Group shall elect a new Treasurer.

● The Treasurer may be removed from office at any time by a unanimous vote of the other Core Group members.



● The Secretary shall be primarily responsible for taking and distributing Core Group meeting minutes, verifying those in attendance and determining the quorum when required.

● The Secretary shall also assist the President if/as needed in the preparation of meeting agendas, correspondence and other tasks of a clerical nature.

● This position requires use of a computer, familiarity with word processing software and email communication with the Core Group (e.g., distribution of minutes, agenda drafts, etc.)

Membership Coordinator

● The Membership Coordinator is in charge of receiving new and renewal membership applications, entering data into the Club's roster and furnishing payments to the Club Treasurer.

● The Membership Coordinator also sends renewal notices out to members.


● The Webmaster is in charge of our chapter's website.

● S/he is responsible for keeping it up-to-date with access to documents like the latest meeting minutes, and pertinent information about our chapter, like chapter events, including overnight camping trips and registration pages.

Board Member

● The Board Rep shall represent his/her chapter on the Corporate Board of Directors.

● The Board Rep shall keep the Corporate Board informed of the chapter's views and opinions and shall inform his/her chapter of the actions, decisions, and interpretations of the Corporate Board.

● S/he attends the quarterly board meetings.

Newsletter Editor

● The Newsletter Editor is in charge of creating and distributing the monthly newsletter, in collaboration with others in the core group.

● Other members may be called upon for information and pictures for the monthly publication.

Publicity and Outreach Coordinator

• The Publicity and Outreach Coordinator prepares content for social media sites (such as Facebook, Twitter, smart phone apps, etc.) to bring visibility to the Chapter.

• The P&O Coordinator promotes the Chapter to prospective new members, promotes the Chapter to local business owners, coordinates participation in SD Pride & after celebration(s) to promote the Chapter and prepares an annual budget for the Chapter’s Outreach/Publicity program.

Social Events Coordinator

• The Social Events Coordinator schedules and organizes the Chapter's year- end holiday party, its annual summer pool party and other social events that it may sponsor on an ad hoc basis (e.g., mixers with other groups, Pride mixers, etc.).

Again, please let us know if you have any interest in being considered for one of the elected or appointed positions or if you’d like to nominate someone. (Nominees must be notified and must agree to be considered for the nominated position.)

In any case, we hope you’ll choose to have your vote counted in our elections meeting on the 11th!

Yours in the great outdoors,

The GOSD Core Group

a 501(c)(7) not-for-profit, all-volunteer LGBTQIA+ and Allies organization dedicated to the enjoyment of the outdoors. All rights reserved. Privacy policy