PS-HIKE Chaparossa Peak - Save the Date

  • Wed, December 04, 2024
  • 7:30 AM
  • Pioneertown Mountain Preserve


Description: We will depart from the Carl’s Jr parking lot at 7:30 AM for the 45 minute drive to the Pioneertown Mountains Preserve. We will hike through varied terrain offering little shade but a great variety of rocks and flora and views at almost every turn. Similar to hikes in Joshua Tree NP, but with fewer people.

  • Meeting Location: Carl’s Jr at West Racquet Club and North Palm Canyon
  • Time: 7:30 AM-2:30 PM
  • Distance: 6.2 miles
  • Total Elevation Gain: 1,341'
  • Minimum elevation: 4,286’
  • Difficulty: Strenuous
  • Type: In and out
  • Hike Time: 3.25 hours
  • Contact hike leader: Spencer Ballard Email click here

Hiking requirements: This is a steep trail with loose stones leading to great vistas at the top. Even though we will take our time for safe ascent and descent, this is a very challenging hike comparable in length to Wellman Divide.

Good treads on soles are crucial and poles are recommended. Carry a bit more water than normal.

After the hike, those who are interested can stop at Pappy and Harriet’s for lunch before returning to the desert. If carpooling, check with your driver about lunch plans before leaving Carl’s Jr.

Click this link for more information about the Pioneertown Mountains Preserve:

Bring: Ten Essentials, water (2 to 3 liters recommended), lunch/ snacks, sun protection, layered clothing, hiking poles may be helpful. Carry emergency contact information. Sturdy hiking footwear with good tread and adequate drinking water are required. 

Hiking Requirements (How can I tell if a hike is for me?). You will need to be in good physical condition for this hike. Click here for more information.

Carpooling is encouraged and may be available if offered by driver. You are responsible for arranging your own transportation or ride share. Carpool transportation is at the sole risk of the participants.  Arrive a few minutes early for briefing and carpooling. 

Cancel: If you cannot make a hike for which you have registered please cancel as others may be on the waitlist. You may cancel directly from your profile settings or notify the hike leader.

Weather Policy: Inclement weather cancels.

Unless otherwise noted, registration for this event is limited to Great Outdoors members. To sign up as a memberclick here 

Health Problems/allergies  Discuss any medical concerns with the hike leader that may affect your ability to complete this hike. 

© 1981 - 2024 CALIFORNIA GREAT OUTDOORS, INC., a 501(c)7 not-for-profit, all-volunteer LGBTQA+ organization dedicated to the enjoyment of the outdoors. All rights reserved.  Privacy policy

a 501(c)(7) not-for-profit, all-volunteer LGBTQIA+ and Allies organization dedicated to the enjoyment of the outdoors. All rights reserved. Privacy policy