CORP - Outdoors Experience - Committee Meeting

  • Tue, January 19, 2021
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Zoom online


Registration is closed


Tuesday January 19, 2021 7 pm

Zoom Meeting - Will be sent in separate email to registrants.


Upcoming Training Considerations and Planning

Google Documents, Planning for COVID-19:

1.Reopening Plan:   Reopening Planning_Training_Great Outdoors.docx

2.PowerPoint COVID:  COVID – 19 Leadership.pptx

3.Certification Survey:  Certification Survey COVID.docx

Protocols when we begin to roll back restrictions and start gathering and initiate activities:

  • Certify all hike and trip leaders have the updated COVID training protocols

  • Update participant requirements and posting on WA website

  • Update registrations terms and conditions on WA event template

  • Guidelines and procedures for conducting outings

  • Update safety and personal protection recommendations

  • Identify additional screening procedures

  • Monitor and review procedures as needed

Online training

   a. Trip and Hike Leader training

   b. Refresher courses 60 - 90 minutes presentations

WA Hike and Trip Templates with Covid Protocols posted WA Admin View.

Action Plan

  1. Develop recommendations to Corporate Board meeting January 30, 2021

  2. Review and finalize recommendations at Committee meeting on January 19, 2021

  3. Identify training needs and issues

  4. Identify tasks to be completed  and to who assigned

  5. Schedule online training for new hike and trip leaders. Registration fee $5. All current hike and trip leaders attend as a refresher at no charge.

  6. Set up training for all leaders to review Covid Protocols. Include links to videos.

  7. Committee to meet to schedule dates for training. 

  8. Formats may include pre recorded instructor presentations on Zoom, PowerPoint slides on Google Docs.

  9. Update online liability waiver to include the Covid protocols.

  10. Feb 2021 target date for training.  May schedule earlier to test and develop.

  11. Event posted on WA to register interest in leadership training. Send out another announcement

  12. Review the target date of January 30, 2021.Follow up with registrants:

    1. Send links to OE Manuals

    2. Prepare PowerPoint (Google Slides for participants to review/study)

      1. Hike Leadership - Scott  Menard  Kirk and _______________

      2. Trip Leadership - Scott  Matthew Tyler and_______________

Scott   email click here


      a 501(c)(7) not-for-profit, all-volunteer LGBTQIA+ and Allies organization dedicated to the enjoyment of the outdoors. All rights reserved. Privacy policy