PS - Ski Outing Big Bear

  • Tue, February 11, 2020
  • 7:00 AM
  • Wed, February 12, 2020
  • 3:30 PM
  • Big Bear CA
  • 8


  • More details and updates will be sent out after we have determined the level of interest.

Registration is closed

Interested in a two day ski adventure in Big Bear? We will leave Palm Springs Tuesday, Feb 11, at 7:00 AM for the 2 hour drive to Big Bear Mountain. Skiing Tuesday and Wednesday before heading home at 3:30 PM Wednesday. 

If 15 or more have signed up by the 23rd, we can use a group package for tickets, equipment rentals, and classes. Otherwise, each participant will be responsible for securing lift tickets (advance sales are discounted online), etc. We will share participant lists regularly in advance of the trip to facilitate ride and room sharing. 

Group rates are $77 for 2 day tickets for 65+ and $94 for youngsters (i.e., <65). Equipment rental packages for two days run from $48 for a beginner package to $87 for a demo package. Rates are higher for regular, non-group purchases. 

Hotels are presently available in the $80 and up range, so for budgeting purposes, $75 per person for a two person share seems reasonable. This will be refined after a participant list is available.

Open to members and guests of members. 

Contact Trip Leader: Spencer Ballard Email click here     505-474-6761

Health Problems/allergiesIt is the responsibility of participants to carry on their person a record of significant allergies, medications and medical history in the event of a medical emergency.  Discuss any medical concerns with the trip leader if you wish.

a 501(c)(7) not-for-profit, all-volunteer LGBTQIA+ and Allies organization dedicated to the enjoyment of the outdoors. All rights reserved. Privacy policy