PS - Cancelled - Backpacking Plus - Horse and Mule Spot Trip

  • Thu, August 20, 2020
  • 8:00 AM
  • Mon, August 24, 2020
  • 5:00 PM
  • Ansel Adams Wilderness, Eastern Sierras, Rush Creek Trailhead
  • 0



Backpacking Plus, Horse and Mule Spot Trip

Enjoy the adventure and beauty of a backcountry High Sierra trip without the challenges of lugging your gear up to the high elevation.  Our outfitter will provide saddle horses and mules to take us (and all out gear) on an exciting ride up to our first night camp, and we'll take it from there.   Starting on day two we'll embark on a moderately paced and relatively low mileage backpacking loop trip over four days, covering 18 miles that takes us to some of the most spectacular scenery in the Eastern Sierras, visiting the highlights of the amazing Ansel Adams Wilderness. This late season backpack will ensure fewer people and (hopefully) even fewer mosquitoes in the backcountry! 

On Day One we'll meet early morning at the Outfitters at the Rush Creek Trailhead (near June Lake Loop) and we'll ride up over 2,000 feet of elevation gain into the Sierra wilderness.

Day Two is our first hiking day from Waugh Lake over Island Pass (800 ft elevation gain) to Thousand Island Lake where we'll spend two nights.

Day Three is a layover day to explore the area with opportunities to enjoy Garnet, Ruby and Emerald Lakes, all within close proximity.  The famous Ritter Range will be in full view for most of our trip with Mt Davis, Banner Peak, and Mt Ritter, all over 12,00ft., as highlights.

Day Four we'll hike downhill past Clark Lakes to camp at Gem Lake. 

Day Five is our five-mile downhill hike where we'll descent 2,000 ft. back to the trailhead at Silver Lake for our drive home.

Cost :$330 per person to cover cost of the outfitter.  Each participant is responsible for all their own gear and food.

Refund: Written cancellation requesting a refund must be received no later than July 1, 2020. There will be a $25 service fee deducted from any refund.

A) Physical Requirements, Equipment and Cancellation Policy

Review the items below carefully and acknowledge your understanding by marking “X:” in each box as shown below

  1. All participants should have had some form of prior horseback riding experience.  Although the ride up to Waugh Lake is on a wide and well-maintained trail, with wilderness-trained stock animals, there are sections with switchbacks and drop offs.  You’ll be expected to stay with the group, competently guide your horse, and follow instructions, as given by the packers/outfitter.   (“X”) ______
  2. All participants are responsible to arrive on time with all their gear at the Outfitter by 7am on Thursday, 8/20 to start the loading and orientation process.  Packing, departure time(s) and other logistics associated with our ride are controlled by the Outfitter, and all participants will adhere to their procedures and timelines.    (“X”) ______
  3. All participants are responsible for their own backpacking gear, clothing, tent, sleeping bag and pad, cooking equipment, bear canister, water purifier, toiletries, personal items and food for the trip (five days, four nights) (“X”) ________
  4. All participants must be in reasonably good physical condition, and capable of carrying a 35+ lb. backpack for several miles at high altitudes (between 9,100 to 10,300) over the four days.   During hike days we’ll have a trail lead and a trail sweep, and you’ll be expected to keep up with the group at all times, no exceptions.  (“X”) _______
  5. Total weight of your backpack with all your gear cannot exceed 40 lbs, the limit established by the outfitter for the spot trip to Waugh lake.  (“X”) ______
  6. Once your registration form and check have been received, you’ll be sent a confirmation by email. If you need to cancel and request a refund, your written cancellation must be received no later than July 1, 2020; after that, refunds will only be made if a suitable replacement can be found in a timely manner.  (“X”) ______

Health Problems/allergies:   Discuss any medical concerns with the hike leader that may affect your ability to complete this trip. 

The outfitter will have you complete a form with the following information:  Age, Height, Weight, Any physical disabilities Health problems / allergies, Prescriptions.

Bring: 10 Essentials, including a personal first aid kit; food for each meal plus extra snacks; water bottle and filter system; sleeping bag and pad; tent; broken-in hiking boots; layered clothing; jacket; rain gear; wide hat; compass; toilet paper & trowel; compact camp stove; fire starter; headlamp; sunglasses; sunscreen; insect repellent; camera and entertainment(book, card game, etc). Group may share water filtration system.

Other considerations: As with any backcountry experience, this one is "Leave No Trace" - our trash comes out with us. Active bear area so either bear cans or hung bear bags are mandatory.  Fire restrictions may or may not be in effect, but we will likely be able to have a fire. 

Location : Rush Creek Trailhead, next to Silver Lake, part of the June Lakes Loop in the Eastern Sierra

Leader : Mike Seay  eMail click here

Co-Leaders: Doug Wylie and Matt Lund

Health Problems/allergies  Discuss any medical concerns with the hike leader that may affect your ability to complete the hike. 

a 501(c)(7) not-for-profit, all-volunteer LGBTQIA+ and Allies organization dedicated to the enjoyment of the outdoors. All rights reserved. Privacy policy