OCLB - BBQ and Pool Party

  • Sat, October 26, 2019
  • 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Near the Beach Blvd/405 Exit in Huntington Beach


Registration is closed

Great Outdoors Orange County - Long Beach

Pot Luck BBQ and Pool Party!

Image result for bbq bear image    Image result for merman images

   OC/LB is hosting a BBQ - Pool Party on Saturday October 26 beginning @ 2 PM

Its time we did a little bit of socializing and have an opportunity to relax and enjoy each other's company.  So GO OC/LB is hosting a get together in the pursuit of laughter, smiles and general sillyness.  So come join us for an afternoon of delight.

    KISS!  KISS! KISS!  Keep It Simple Sugar!  KISS!  KISS!  KISS!

OC/LB will be providing hamburgers (vegan option available), potato salad & drinks!  And all the fixings (onion, lettuce, pickles, tomato, mustard & ketchup)! 

To help calculate the amount of food and drinks required, please register as early as possible up to and including Friday (25th).  Shopping will occur Saturday morning.   

What edible items can you bring?  Glad you asked!  Any compatible side dish, chips, desserts (pie, cookies, etc.) or other items that you think will tickle our fancy.  If there are any special drink that you prefer bring a few of those too!  

There is one mandatory requirement:  Each attendee MUST  submit to Lance 2-3 songs to assist in creating a playlist for the event!  He will need the name of the song and the artist.  Please submit the songs when you register or send him a separate email at least 1 day prior to the event.  The music is on YOU!

Other considerations:  Bring a towel!  And if you have a beach chair bring it!  And it may get chilly as day turns to night so you might want to bring a light jacket.  And yes, there is a jacuzzi (a small one).


Doors Open @ 2 PM on Saturday October 26.

Social Hour & Music & Pool Time & Drinks begin @ 2 PM.

Grilling begins @ 3; Food will be ready about 3:15 - Hamburgers cook relatively fast!

Address:  The address will be sent to you upon registration - however the event will take place within 1 mile of the Beach Blvd (South) exit off the 405 in Huntington Beach.

Phone: 657-250-5466 

We look forward to seeing you there, if you have any questions, please contact Lance Whitmier at [email protected].

a 501(c)(7) not-for-profit, all-volunteer LGBTQIA+ and Allies organization dedicated to the enjoyment of the outdoors. All rights reserved. Privacy policy