Great Outdoors Orange County/Long Beach and Laguna Beach Pride present
Emerald Canyon/Bommer Ridge Day Hike
June 1, 2019, 8:00 AM

Contact: Frederick Brown. E-mail:
Phone: 562-754-1838
This moderate hike loops through coastal canyons in the heart of the Laguna Coast Wilderness Park. The route follows tree shaded Willow and Emerald Canyons, passing weather carved rock formations and meadows. The hike also includes Emerald and Bommer Ridges with panoramic vistas of the ocean, coastline, and San Joaquin Hills.
We start at the northwest corner of the parking lot at the trail head and start up Willow Canyon, traversing Willow Ridge, Laurel Canyon, Emerald Canyon, Bommer Ridge and Big Ben Trail. The hiking trail boasts the coveted shade of sycamore and oak trees, large sandstone boulders, and grassy oak woodlands. The total distance covered is approximately 6.5 miles with an elevation of 1, 400 feet.
The hike will begin promptly at 8:00 AM. Please arrive prepared with the recommended 10 essentials. You can find the list at: Snack breaks will be taken at regular intervals.
Directions to the trail head:From the 405 Freeway in Irvine, take the Laguna Canyon Road (Hwy 133) exit, and drive approximately 5 miles south to the signed Laguna Coast Wilderness parking lot on the right, just south of the El Toro Road intersection.
Following our day hike, we may enjoy lunch and the drag show which is part of the Pride Festival. There is no fee for this hike. The parking Fee is $15.00. Ride sharing is encouraged.
Click here for the link to the park website for you to check on conditions, maps, etc.:
Bring your ten essentials - click here. Bring at least two liters of water and food for lunch and snacks. Carpooling is recommended to help reduce gas and parking. costs.