Would you like to learn about Tent Camping, so you can attend a GO Camping Event?
You haven’t put up a tent since you were in Boy Scouts? You can’t tell an air mattress from a turbo boiler? Here’s your chance to learn about Tent Camping!
If you are a GO Member who has never camped before, or hasn’t camped since high school, this is your chance to be introduced to car-camping, the kind of tent camping we do at GO Camping Events. You’ll learn about tents, sleeping gear, clothing options, cooking gear, lights, headlamps and surviving campground bathrooms!
We will be holding a morning class to give you a hands-on introduction to the elements of tent camping. We’re meeting from 9:00 am to 11:30 am on Saturday April 6, at DeMuth Park Picnic Grove, Palm Springs (see map), near the corner of E. Mesquite Ave and Vella Dr. You can park in the lot near the tennis courts, or along E. Mesquite Ave. We’ll talk about the elements of camping, show you examples of camping equipment and cooking gear, and talk about a typical GO camping event. Examples of camping equipment will be on display, and you’ll get a chance to set up and take down a tent! We'll also provide you a list of resources for learning about, comparing and purchasing camping gear. Come check out some of the latest user friendly and comfortable tent camping equipment!
Registration is limited to a small number of members who are new to camping - we want a small group so you have a hands-on experience. We’ll also have space for 10 experienced tent campers to act as resources for the new campers. Register now, and we’ll see you there!
Email your questions to info-PS@greatoutdoors.org.
Dennis Curran, John Niedzwiedz and Pat Miyamoto